We know that building a Keysafe is not something everyone wants or is able to do. For many years, members of this site have urged us to offer completed units for sale. We thought that a reliable source for safes was going to develop independent of us, but this has sadly not happened. Therefore we have decided to offer safes ourselves. Described below are the three different Keysafe models that we have available for purchase.
Keysafe Model 50:
Description: This model of the Keysafe is intended to be used
inconjunction with this web site. As opposed to the other models described
below, this model is not purchased from us, rather you purchase a standard safe
and then use it with this web site in an unmodified form. So the advantage of
this model is, it's very low aquisition cost, usually under $50. The
disadvantage is that it offers less security than the models below. This model
can be used with a human Keyholder or with either of the strict twins. It works
by providing you with an 8 digit number to set into the safe as its locking
code. The web site will later display that same number to you again when it's
time to unlock the safe. So the security depends on you not keeping a copy of
the codes between unlocks. (Research has shows that most people cannot easily
memorize an 8 digit number.) An online search will reveal
many commercial safes that are suitable for use as a Model 50 Keysafe.
Inaddition to the cost of the safe itself, we charge a small one-time fee:
$50 to register a Model 50 on this web site. For more details about this
safe, click here.
Keysafe Model 100: (Discontinued)
Description: This model of the Keysafe can operate either as a
standalone device, or it can be used inconjunction with this web site.
Each safe is shipped with hundreds of Keycodes. These Keycodes can be
supplied either as a paper printout, or they can be loaded as a file onto
the Keysafe server, your choice. Each of the codes can be used to open the
safe one time, and the codes must be used in order listed. In other words,
the safe will operate like a combination lock safe, except that the combination
will change each time the safe is openned. For more details about this
safe, click here. If you chose to
receive the list of Keycodes on paper, the list can be sent to a different
address than the safe itself. If the codes are uploaded as a file to this
server, your Keyholder will control your access to the keys, one at a
Keysafe Model 100, Options & Extras:
Keysafe Model 100 Pictures:
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Here is what you get:
Keysafe Model 200: (Discontinued)
Description: This model of the Keysafe is Internet enabled and operates in conjunction with this web site. It offers the highest level of security of any of the models we offer. Once the safe is operational, it frequently communicates with the web site at random intervals. This way, the web site is kept informed regarding the status of the safe. Please note that this model does not connect to directly to your PC, nor can it connect to the Internet using a wireless connection. It needs a hard wired twisted pair Internet connection, either 10BaseT or 100BaseT. For example, a standard Ethernet wired connection to your router, DSL modem, or switch will typically work.
Compared to the Model 100, this version adds three sensors:
Keysafe Model 200, Options & Extras:
The best way we have found to be sure the keys are actually inside a safe
is to attached the keys to a steel cable, the other end of which is attached
inside the safe. This way, the safe door will not close unless the keys are
tucked inside. This cable can be added for no additional cost on the Model 200.
All you will need is large diagonal wire cutter to crimp the cable permenently
closed, these are available at many local hardware stores. The
picture below shows the cable with chastity keys attached.
Keysafe Model 200 Pictures:
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My profile name is Gumbigi and I have been an active wearer on the Keysafe site since December of 2010. I'm fairly serious about chastity (9 months locked up and counting) and although I wanted a Keysafe, I don't have the skills to build one and couldn't find a way to buy one. Nevertheless, during the first part of the year, I thoroughly enjoyed some intense chastity play on the site without having a safe.
However, my wife was on the site as a keyholder and she was fortunate enough to find a wearer with a Keysafe. Boy, did she have fun playing with the safe. Since she knew that the wearer relied on her opening the safe for him to get any release from chastity, she delighted in teasing him by setting permission windows of different lengths and soon got the wearer checking in multiple times a day hoping for that chance at release.
I compared our experiences and I realized that enjoyable as the Keysafe site was without having a safe, it could be MUCH more involving if you used a safe. Quite simply, the holder could do things with the safe that just weren't possible without one.
I wanted a safe more than ever, but despaired of ever getting one until I saw one day that the developer of the site had created a new version that could work on a stand-alone basis or with the site. I got the details and then ordered one immediately.
After many months of frustrating delays dealing with other providers of chastity equipment, I was amazed at how quick and easy it was to get a safe via the site. The safe arrived a week after ordering and was very easy to set up. I have been testing it for the last month and it has literally transformed my chastity experience. The difference is so great that I can't imagine going back to long-distance chastity without the safe. For her part, my wife now has little interest in keyholding without the safe.
So what exactly is different? For one, there is a world of difference between being locked up on the honor system versus both of you knowing that the holder has control of all the keys. As a wearer with a safe, I get focused on pleasing the holder with laser like intensity. After all, she now truly decides when (or if!) I get access.
Another big difference is that the tools a Keyholder have available become very powerful when a safe is attached. One of the holders I tested the system with absolutely tormented me by setting small time windows that I had very little chance of finding. You can't imagine what it feels like after 9 months of denial to log onto the site and discover that you just missed a chance to get the combination to the safe! Oh, you should have heard the laughter when I spoke to her on the phone later that day; she was so delighted at my frustration. That is an experience both of you really can't have without a safe.
Also, when you have a safe attached, the site quickly can become a very effective tool for binding the wearer to the holder and for making each feel the other's presence across the miles. My holders make me check in every day and even if they didn't ask me to, I would because I never know when a permission window might pop-up. I know that their history page shows a complete record of every day and time I checked in on my Keys page. If I miss even one day, not only may I miss a window she set, she may punish me for not checking in by shortening a window, eliminating a window or extending the time to my next release. I have found I think of my holder many times during the day and am eager to check-in to see if she has left me a message or a window.
Finally, for those who don't have or don't want a physical Keyholder, the KeySafe works wonderfully with Strict Mistress. I have also played with her using the safe and once again it feels very different from signing on with her without a safe. If you play fair and actually put your keys in the safe, you quickly realize you are at her mercy and actually think about how to interact with the program to shorten your time in chastity without annoying her and ending up lengthening it.
Sure the safe isn't cheap, but when you look at it, you will see a lot of time, effort and expertise went into designing and building it. The difference in the quality of the chastity experience is so huge that I found the few hundred bucks a small price to pay for so much tormenting pleasure.
If you have any questions about my experience with the safe or how my wife and I (giving a holder and a wearer's perspective) have found satisfying ways to play with the safe, please don't hesitate to drop me an e-mail. My address is gumbigi@gmail.com.
Firstly, thank you for all of your support. Not only is your web site fantastic, the interaction that I have had with you has been great.
To start, some back ground on me. I have been into porn & bondage since I was a teenager. Over the years, I have tried to come up with inexpensive ways to excite myself through self-bondage and masturbation. I am now in my late thirties and all of the self-bondage games seem to have somehow lost their appeal. They have all been done before. The porn and masturbation just seemed to get boring and I could never find any new ideas. Self-bondage never seemed real enough to make it exciting as I could always grab the key.
Then about 3 years ago chastity walked into my life. Chastity has been fantastic; you get the sexual buzz on a near permanent basis. It is in its own way self-bondage. From that point on the mission was to find a way of controlling my key. It was only after joining a chastity forum that I found reference to various key holding web sites.
That was it; the search was on. Going through the other web sites, I was very uninspired with the remote way that they would hold the key. Their idea was to take photos of combinations, not look and email them to the site. Clearly this has a real security issue and there are very easy ways of getting hold of the email you have sent or the picture you had taken once the horny buzz takes hold.
Then I found KeySafe and my life changed. Not only has KeySafe allowed me to explore fully my love of chastity and the life style but it has reinspired my love of bondage generally. Key Safe offers so much more then just holding the key.
The first thing that struck me was the web sites automated characters. Strict Mistress or Strict Master (which ever takes your personal fancy) offered me what I had been looking for, for years. Something that I could interact with that would say yes or no to your sexual desire. The thing that was fantastic is that you could set your own personal parameters to choose a maximum time just so things did not go too far. Once set, I was off and at the will of the Strict Mistress. On the back of this interaction I decided to write a chastity contract with myself that was a commitment to me that I would not cum unless authorised to do so. Each orgasm would cost me money, the longer I waited, the less it cost and if I dare cum without permission then time to remortgage the house. This meant that without even using a chastity device, I was still living the chastity life style.
Time to take things to the next level. Time for my chastity key to no longer be my property. Looking at the KeySafe web site, they offered two types of safe at the time that linked up to your computer and meant that the web site controlled your safe. A fantastic achievement, however an expensive one. I then came up with the idea that actually all you need is a basic electronic safe (mine was bought from a local hardware store) with an 8 digit electronic lock and then get the web site to hold the code. To try it out I wrote down a string of 8 digits, left it 30 minutes then tried to remember the code. Uummmm no chance! Perfect!
I made contact with KeySafe and floated the idea to see if it would be something that they would consider. With some fine-tuning to my idea, they welcomed the idea with open arms. Following some interaction and testing, the Model 50 safe was born.
I have now been using the model 50 safe for about 3 months and it works perfectly, Once Strict Mistress gives me permission then you go to the unlock page where you are given your current unlock code. You now get access to your safe to get your chastity key. Once you and the safe are unlocked, the key goes back in the safe, the KeySafe web site gives you the next code that you program straight into the electronic safe, you close the door and now you're done until next time you are given permission. The fantastic thing is that the web site is not high on graphics so it is easy to access on the move and most of the time I actually control my KeySafe activity from my Blackberry web browser rather then a PC.
What I then found was that this could be used for even more fun. Why restrict this to chastity play? I now had a way of taking a key out of my reach for a period of time and then a guarantee of getting it back. One of the delights of Strict Mistress is that you can choose either a max time window and be at Strict Mistress' control or you can choose a specific duration of your own choosing. i.e. 1 hour. All of a sudden my bondage life has come back alive. All of the great ideas that I have had over the years but could never do, as I always needed somebody to hold the key to get out, came flooding back. When I was given a release by Strict Mistress, I could change the setting to duration, set it for an hour, go and play with the knowledge that in 1 hour the key was mine but not before.
In recent weeks I have noticed that KeySafe has launched a message board for members to communicate with each other over the web site (should they wish to) without the need of email. A great way of communicating without being intrusive.
Sufficient to say that KeySafe has changed my life and has given me the chastity / bondage life style that I have always dreamed of. A special thank you to Robert of Keysafe who took the time to understand my idea, run with it and make my dream a reality for me and others to enjoy.
KeySafe what would I do without you?
Mistress Is God